Upcoming events.

Year at a Glance Calendars

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Storytime with Santa

Storytime with Santa

Saturday, December 9th - 9:00AM - 11:00AM

Enjoy a Story with Santa, cookies, coloring and photos! Please RSVP to let us know you’re coming!

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Veterans Day Program

Attention Veterans/Active Duty!

We will be having our Veterans Day program on November 13 in the cafeteria for two sessions (PREK-2nd 8:30-9:15 and 3rd -5th 9:30-10:15) vets are encouraged to stay for both sessions as they will be slightly different. There will be snacks for the veterans, entertainment and special speeches. If you are a veteran or know a veteran who would like to attend, please RSVP using the link so we can give them the VIP treatment. We also would love to have any photos of veterans in your life for the slideshow. You may email them at jsmith12@kleinisd.net or include it in the RSVP. Mrs. Gaides and her art classes did some amazing cards/decorations to send around the world, but we would love more to keep at Lemm! If you would like to work on veteran cards/or decorations as a family that would be amazing. Just have student bring them to Mrs. Smith. 

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Fall Festival

Fall Festival

We need lots of grownups to help with Fall Festival! It is one of the largest fundraisers we do all year and the MOST FUN! From decorating the school, to Volunteering the day of to run booths , games or the silent auction to gathering donations from the community. If you would like more info on joining the Fall Fest Committee click here.

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